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Minnesota Distance Riding Clinic & Mock Ride

March 1, 2025 - Princeton, MN

9:00AM - 4:00PM

Hosted by HH Stables

Maria Enge & Peggy Pasillas

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March 1, 2025 (9AM to approximately 4 PM)

9-10  Distance Riding Events:  Novice, Competitive, Driving, Intro/Limited Distance (LD), Endurance)

What do you need to get started?  Tack and equipment.

10-11am  Conditioning  and Hoof Care Basics

·       Getting started – preparing for your first Novice or Intro ride (10-15 miles)

·       As distances increase, little things matter more (25+ miles)

11 – 11:30   Break-out session (25 minutes) – pick one
Camping tips for new campers (no LQ required!) 

Taking your horses pulse (limited to 12 people per session)

Basics of saddle fit

Introduction to Equine Bodywork

11:30 – Noon  Feeding the endurance horse

·       Learn the basics of a sound feeding program that you can adapt to your horse.

·       Electrolytes 101- it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Noon – 1 Lunch – check out the saddle and tack displays and meet some Distance Riders

1-2pm  Vet Checks – Purpose of vet checks and what the vet looking at and what it tells them about the horse

Demonstration of Comp vs Intro/LD/Endurance Trot outs – what’s different.

·       Demonstrations:  Good vs bad trot outs – why it matters

2- 2:30 Breakout session

Break-out session (25 minutes) – pick one
Camping tips for new campers (no LQ required!)

Taking your horses pulse (limited to 12 people per session)

Basics of saddle fit

Introduction to Equine Bodywork

3pm – 3:20

Preparing your horse for the vet exam.  Demonstrations of what your horse needs to know.  (Sheryl/Taryn)

This is a short demonstration focusing on what people should practice with their horses before bringing them to a ride.  An opportunity to provide pointers for the newbies. 

3:30– 4:00

Planning for that first ride and registration! (Katie)


Q & A – Clinicians on deck.


Bring a chair and a cup and/or water bottle.  Hot coffee, tea, hot chocolate and water will be provided.

Dress for the weather with barn friendly footwear and jackets.  Barn & arena is heated but maybe a lap blanket if you get chilly while sitting.

Clinic Information